Due to the surgery following government advice relating to Coronavirus we are offering telephone triage or video consultations with our GP’s and Nurses. Watch this short YouTube video which explains how the video consultation works.
Online Appointments
If you are registered for Online Services there are extra appointments available to book online, please see details below:
A small number of routine appointments with GPs are available to book online. You can book/cancel an appointment online, using the secure website of SystemOnline. To use this you have to register for its use in person at the surgery, when you will be given a user ID and Password. If you are already registered, please login to SystmOnline.
Please let us know if you cannot keep your appointment and the appointment can go to to someone else.
The Doctors and Nurses respect your time and will try not to keep you waiting too long. We hope you will understand that some consultations can take longer than others and may run over. Also, emergencies arise which may have to be given priority on occasions. We hope you will understand.
Same Day urgent appointments will be available to book online from 6.40am each day. These are for urgent, acute issues that need to be seen the same day. NB: all Doctor and Nurse appointments are still available to be booked over the telephone from 8am or in person at reception.
Blood test appointments will be available to book online. These appointments MUST only be booked if a Doctor or Nurse has advised you to have a blood test. (If not, then a blood test will not be taken). To book blood appointments please select from the available clinicians.
Routine appointments are available to book online up to 4 to 6 weeks in advance.
Care Navigation
Care Navigation is about getting the right care, by the right person, first time. We are offering our patients some alternatives to having a GP appointment, if it is suitable for you. Our Receptionists will ask you a couple of questions to find out the nature of your call. They may suggest another service that may be better for your condition, or where you might be seen sooner.
Get more information about Care Navigation
Making appointments with doctors
The surgery operates a ‘Bookable Appointment System’ service.
This service offers a variety of appointment slots these range from:
- Same Day Bookable
- Embargoed Slots released at various intervals
- On-line appointments
- Follow-up slots for the GP’s to use
The Duty Doctor each day will cover telephone triage for any patients that cannot attend surgery and it is urgent on the day.
Patients can contact the surgery on 01709 584885 from 8.00am to make an appointment.
Please note that the surgery does not offer an emergency service. All emergencies are directed to the Urgent Care Centre at Rotherham District General.
Making appointments with nurses
To make appointments with the nurses, call the surgery between 8.00am and 6.30pm on 01709 584885 Monday to Friday. You can also make appointments in person at reception
Cancel Appointments
Patients not attending appointments is a real problem for the surgery. If you are unable to attend for an appointment with either the Doctor or Nurse then it is vital to cancel that appointment as soon as possible. This can be done by telephoning the surgery or via our MJOG text messaging service.
Approximately seven full surgeries worth of appointments are lost each month due to patients not attending. This is unfair to other patients.
To track this problem Crown Street Surgery use the following policy:
- If two appointments are missed without prior cancellation in a six month period the patient will be sent a formal warning letter.
- Should a third appointment be missed the patient’s registration will be discussed with the Clinical Team. This could lead to removal from the practice list and they will have to find another GP.
Try the NHS App
You can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and your GP account on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record, access your Covid vaccination status and more.
If you already use online access you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.
For more information go to www.nhs.uk/nhsapp
Extended Access Appointments
Extended Access Appointments are available outside normal surgery hours
We are able to book routine GP/ ANP / Nurse / HCA/ Phlebotomist / Clinical Pharmacist appointments for our patients to be seen:
Monday to Friday: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Saturday: 8.00am to 12.00 noon
Sunday: 8.00am to 12.00 noon
These appointments will be held at either:
- Broom Lane Medical Centre,
- Kimberworth Park Medical Centre
- Magna Group: Valley Health Centre.
Please speak to a receptionist for further information or to book an appointment.
Home Visits
Due to the current pandemic our GP's are not performing home visits. This is run by a home visiting triage service. So during this time if you request a home visit it will be an alternative health care professional that visits you.
Home visits are reserved for the following groups of patients:
- terminally ill
- housebound
- patients who are severely ill and cannot be mobilised.
Asking for a visit does not guarantee you a visit. The Doctor will phone you first to check the nature of your problem and assess the need for a home visit. It may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance. It also prepares the doctor to collect some information that is needed for the visit. If you need the Doctor to visit please try to ring before 10.30am. This allows the Doctor to plan their day accordingly. Late requests often lead to disruption of the appointment system and excessive waiting times for others.
The receptionist will always ask you the nature of the problem, as this will enable the Doctor to decide the urgency of the visit. Home visits are time consuming. Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. So please help us to help you and our other patients by visiting the surgery whenever possible.
We want to see patients as quickly as possible. The best way is often to encourage them to come to the surgery, because your GP will have access to all your medical records, including those held on computer. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the surgery.
Babies and small children should be brought to the surgery where we will do our best to see them promptly.
Transport/social problems: We cannot undertake home visits for reasons of convenience or lack of transport. From experience, we are aware that relatives, neighbours or friends are often willing to help out. Our responsibility to you is to resolve the medical problem you have. Your responsibility is to take all the reasonable steps you are able to, to enable us to do that.
The doctors would like to stress that no patient in definite need of a home visit will be refused. In the past, GPs were able to do routine follow up home visits. Sadly, pressures of time and more patients needing attention means this is usually no longer possible.