Crown Street Surgery - News

  • 23 Jan 2024

    Wentworth 1 PPG Meeting

    Feel free to register your interest

  • 17 Aug 2023

    Patient Participation Group

    A PPG acts as a communication channel between the Practice and the community in order to help patients use facilities to the best advantage and the Practice to implement processes influenced by representative patient views.

  • 31 Jul 2023

    Feedback on Care

    Please share your experience with us between 1st and 9th August 2023

  • 9 Jul 2020

    Important Announcement

    Dr Venables is pleased inform all our patients that he has taken on Dr Tariq Ahmed as a new partner whose principal duties will be in helping to manage the practice. Dr Ahmed qualified to practice medicine from the University Of Glasgow School of Medicine in 1985

  • 18 Jun 2019

    Physio First Appointments

    We would like to remind you that we can offer appointments here at the surgery or one of our local hubs to see a Physiotherapist as part of the Care Navigation service.

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